MoA with UNITAR to deliver innovative Finnish education experiences to UNITAR students.
We are happy to announce Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between UNITAR International University and Finnish Education Solutions Sdn Bhd (FEDS)which was officially signed today. This agreement aims to deliver innovative Finnish education experiences to UNITAR students.
The MoA was signed by PROFESOR EMERITUS TAN SRI DATO’ SRI IR. DR. SAHOL HAMID BIN ABU BAKAR, Vice Chancellor of UNITAR International University and Mr. Petri Karjalainen, Founder of Finnish Education Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (FEDS), and was witnessed by His Excellency Sami Leino, Ambassador of Finland to Malaysia, Associate Prof. Dr. Mallika Vasugi A/P Govindarajoo. Dean, Faculty of Education & Humanities and Badrie Bob Abdullah FCMI, Head of Asia Graduate School at UNITAR and Shafiqe Badril, Chairman of the advosory board of FEDS.
FEDS have earlier this year started partnership with early childhood, promary and secondary education and UNITAR will be the fisrt partner in higher education. We are confident that this partnership will be a prominent gateway for Finnish education in Malaysia, offering transformative and affordable online learning experiences for all Malaysians.